Inspirational Poem: Waking Up to Self
It speaks to me in silhouettes and soft whispers,
touching my skin, tingling, warm and comfortable.
One of my eyes peeks open, curious, hungry.
I feel the sensations stirring my energy,
swirling and gentle,
full and only just beginning,
waking me up to myself,
becoming aware.
Ever softly, but with power and grace,
I remember.
I remember myself, full of love and intelligence.
The connection of deep knowing,
my soul reaching through the illusion
and bringing me truth.
I feel my savory taste of trust
winding its way through
like an umbilical cord,
back to my home of Self.
All is there, waiting for me,
embracing my journey,
and merging with my awareness.
I awaken to the joy of Self.
All knowledge active and playing,
mingling with pleasure and laughing in song,
the vibration of One flows and changes.
The sweet nectar of merging with my Self,
opens the petals of love,
releasing the purity of life energy within me.