Have you or someone close to you experienced how science and modern medicine can make life better? Are you excited about what medical advancements can do for you in the future? Groundbreaking human genetic research changed our family’s lives. The headline news in 2010 read, DNA Sequencing Changes the Lives of the First Family Ever Tested. That family is my family!
Finally receiving answers about two separate diseases causing multiple disabilities in my children, Heather and Logan, and also being part of medical research that gives people hope has changed our lives forever!
Imagine having a rare disease, but no answers about why? We lived 33 years without knowing the cause of both my children, Heather and Logan’s two rare diseases. As a result, geneticists chose our family for genetic research.
DNA Sequencing Changes the Lives of a Family
In 2010, scientists did whole DNA genome sequencing of all my family’s genes and made historical discoveries. This resulted in reporters from Ivanhoe Broadcast news coming to our homes and interviewing us about this event. The video below is a recording of the interview after becoming the first family worldwide to have all our DNA sequenced.
Ground-Breaking Research
This groundbreaking research resulted in scientists discovering two separate genes. These two genes cause two separate rare diseases in both Heather and Logan Madsen. One condition is called Miller syndrome and the other, their lung disease, is primary ciliary dyskinesia, PCD, and is life threatening.
Genome Family Making Medical History
Below, is a personal interview with our family. Interviewers are asking us questions about what it means to us to have answers after 33 years of questions and also how we feel about giving other people hope.
How did groundbreaking research in human genetics change one family’s lives and how can this help you?