Disabled and autistic, Logan Madsen is accepting and overcoming challenges through his paintings and now in a documentary called, “Logan’s Syndrome.” This story is in the news here.
Disabled Autistic Man Accepting and Overcoming Challenges through His Art
What interests do you engage in to help you overcome challenges? My son, Logan, paints amazing art in spite of being a disabled, autistic man with everyday challenges. Two news stations aired these inspiring stories.
Learn From Autistic Disabled Man Accepting and Overcoming Challenges Through Art
Do you have a dream to accomplish something amazing by using your talent? Having an exhibit of his paintings was Logan’s big dream and he achieved it with his first art show ever. This news story captures that event.
A Rare Artist Exemplifying Overcoming Challenges Wins 1st Place Art Prize
This is a story showing Logan, a rare artist exemplifying overcoming challenges by painting. He won 1st place for his paintings in spite of having multiple disabilities. Read this inspiring story here.
Inspiring, Stunning Flower Paintings by Artist, Logan Madsen
Watch this slide show of stunning detailed flower paintings by Logan Madsen as he paints to overcome physical disabilities.